Are you moving to a new residence? Whether your move is just a few kilometers from your current home or several hundred, you have decided to make your life easier by entrusting this task to a professional moving company. No more hassle and stress, all you have to do is guide and answer the questions of the movers on D-Day. However, like many people, you wonder if you should tip the movers?

Since moving is part of the long list of “personal or business services”, it makes sense in this sense to tip the movers who have provided us with excellent service, even though they are not tip employees like restaurant and bar servers.


By definition, tipping will reward the quality of a received service. But in the context of a move, you will not only have this criterion to take into consideration. Indeed, several other notions will influence your decision to leave a tip to the movers such as :

  • The complexity of the move (many floors, narrow or spiral staircases, no elevator in the building, etc.) ;
  • The very great fragility of some of your property ;
  • The very high value of your items ;
  • The specificity or the weight of certain pieces of furniture such as a piano or a pool table or even an old solid wood sideboard ;
  • Difficult weather conditions : extreme heat or cold, high winds, heavy rain or snow, etc ;
  • The particular attention that the movers will pay to your goods and your furniture (appropriate and meticulous packaging, etc.) so as not to break or damage them ;
  • Special attention paid to floors, walls, ceiling, stairs, etc. of your new and old home so as not to dirty or damage them with the use of floor mats, for example ;
  • The general attitude of the movers: respect, politeness, meticulousness, helpfulness, know-how, etc., and everything they could do to help you and which goes beyond of what their job demands.


But how much should you give when you decide to tip the movers? This is a very personal question! Some people will be more generous than others, there is not really an established rule. However, depending on your financial means, the quality of the received service and the various factors mentioned above, you may consider tipping at your discretion.

Know that a professional mover (a job that is not very easy, because it requires strength, precision, perseverance, speed, etc.) will always appreciate receiving a tip, regardless of the amount, in response to the quality of his work.

For an exceptional quality and efficient move, call on the team of professionals at Brault Demenagement. They are attentive, courteous, meticulous and experienced.