Changing scenery through a move is stimulating, but it may not go like clockwork. The service obtained will make all the difference once the big day arrives. It is therefore necessary to make good preparations and that you do it early. Because succeeding and not undergoing your move is based on your full understanding / acceptance of what you are offered. In short, you must be in control before, during and after the wank. And for that, it is important to demand, read and question what is called the moving quote.


Once a few companies have been selected via the Internet, it is very relevant to contact them by telephone and ask them very specific questions. Their answers will allow you to make informed choices and to include important clauses in your possible moving quote. Don’t sign anything prematurely. Ask questions first.


  • Does your moving company have insurance (civil liability, breakage, theft, etc.)? And what are the amounts of protection, the name of the insurer and the number of the insurance policy?
  • Can this coverage amount be increased based on my high value assets?
  • Is it the new value rather than the depreciated value of my goods that is part of your compensation if some of my goods were accidentally damaged in the moving process?
  • Do you have subsidiary companies? Are you the one who will carry out my move?
  • Are your subcontractors and your contractual employees subject to quality standards and responsibilities regarding claims in the event of a problem with packaging, loading, during transport?
  • Is it possible to email me a copy of the permits, certificates, licenses, etc., that you have? (Ex.: CAT certificate; CTQ permit; registration with SAAQ, ACQ, etc.)?
  • Which team and which equipment will be with me when I move? What should I expect on this day?


Before signing the contract, the moving company you have targeted should ideally give you a brochure by post or email. You will find formalized answers to your questions as well as information concerning your rights (and responsibilities) as a consumer, as well as his. The issue of the mover’s liability for loss and damage should also be presented simply.

Another very important official document to receive fairly quickly after agreement: your moving quote. All transport costs and services (standard and special) that you have requested must be clearly indicated. As well as all the contact details and certificates of the company.

  • the number of boxes to be transported;
  • size and value of goods (inventory);
  • the turnkey package or the hourly rate;
  • the number of “men”;
  • the tools, devices, accessories and supplies used;
  • the dates on which the service will be provided;
  • exclusions;
  • post-move procedures, if applicable (complaints, etc.);
  • where applicable, the place where some or all of your property is stored;
  • the total amount to be paid, the terms of payment and additional costs;
  • signatures (yours and that of the representative of the moving company);
  • any other clause accepted by both parties.

Brault Déménagement responds to your needs, listens to your concerns and “follows the book” when it comes to moving quotes. With us, there are no bad surprises.